Monthly Food Budget
R6000 for a family of 4 for a 30-day month. On the other hand if a person likes to eat out more 4 to 5 times a week they should have a monthly food budget of 400 to 500. How Much Should I Spend On Food Single Male Quora Thrifty low-cost moderate and liberal. Monthly food budget . In the same way for many of you reading this your brain can probably not process 50 per week. For families this 10 holds true for the total family income with an additional 15 per kid up to a maximum of 20. My original food budget looked something like this. The average monthly food budget in the UK is 175 per person of which 115 is spent on grocery shopping and. How Much Should Your Monthly Grocery Budget Be. I spend 700 on rent and I cant really find anything much cheaper in a reasonably safe. The USDA publishes monthly reports on what weekly and monthly food expenditures should be based using four types of spending plans. Location can effect food costs greatly. The thing is I received ...