Gamestop Shipping Delay
In any case you paid for 1 day shipping but you have to allow for 24-48 hours handling time to get it to UPS. Since shipping carriers dont typically operate on Sundays GameStop essentially has 36 hours before the carrier will even be around to pick up any outbound shipments more if the facility is in later time zones. Roberto Serrano On Twitter Playstation 5 Available Gamestop Https T Co Ztnb6hjgym Ps5 If you would like to have the game shipped to you provide the requested information and your game will be on its way. Gamestop shipping delay . At the moment of publishing all of GameStops store across the United States remain shut down however this could change in April with President Trump aiming to get commerce back on track. The GameStop site has been updated with a generic order hinting at some shipping delays. Pre-Order Shipping Request Form Thank you for pre-ordering from GameStop. It was only a three hour delay and I was willing to overlook it. New Years Day Memorial...